Example of using “:$FLEX$.Value_Set_Name” to set up value sets where one segment depends on a prior segment that itself depends on a prior segment. Suppose you have a three-segment flexfield where the first segment is Country, the second segment is State, and the third segment is District. You could limit your third segment's values to only include Districts that are available for the Address specified in the first two segments. Your three value sets might be defined as follows:
Segment Name Country_Segment
Value Set Name Country_Value_Set
Validation Table Country_Table
Value Column Country_NAME
Description Column Country_DESCRIPTION
Hidden ID Column Country_ID
SQL Where Clause (none)
Segment Name State_Segment
Value Set Name State_Value_Set
Validation Table State_Table
Value Column State_Name
Description Column State_DESCRIPTION
Hidden ID Column State_ID
SQL Where Clause WHERE Country_ID =
Segment Name District_Segment
Value Set Name District_Value_Set
Validation Table District_Table
Value Column District_NAME
Description Column District_DESCRIPTION
Hidden ID Column District_ID
SQL Where Clause WHERE Country_ID =
:$FLEX$. Country_Value_Set
AND Country_ID =
In this example, Country_ID is the hidden ID column and Country_Name is the value column of the Country_Value_Set value set. The Model segment uses the hidden ID column of the previous value set, Country_Value_Set, to compare against its WHERE clause. The end user never sees the hidden ID value for this example.
"Example of $FLEX$ Syntax Used in Oracle Apps ($flex$ in oracle apps) "
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