How can create a User in Oracle Apps R12 or How Can Assign a Responsibility to a User

How can create a User in Oracle Apps R12 
How Can Assign a Responsibility to a User 

1) Go to "System Administrator" > Security  > User > Define 

2) Username -: As per User Number 

    Password - : Fill the password and press Enter then type again same password .

    Responsibility-: Select Responsibility from LOV whatever you want to Assign to user . 

Note-: If you will Assign System Administrator Responsibility to the User then a Indirect Responsibility Application Diagnostic will assign automatically to user .

3) Now Save the form .

Now your User Created .

4) Go to User Login form of Oracle Apps ERP

5) Login with your User Credential.

6) Change Your Current Password 

Note -: It will ask to change the password at the time of first login .

Save the New Password 

Select Responsibility


Click on Any form and check  

Now Your User are ready to do our Responsibility . 

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