Error Explanation -: Default Subinventory is not defined in the destination organization
Internal sales order processed, ship confirm done but line status is shipped & Next step is Run Interface.When checked in Transaction open interface form, Error message is ‘Invalid Transfer Subinventory’
For the particular Item, default Subinventory is not defined in the destination organization. When shipping and receiving occur between the organizations which have the transfer type as “Direct” in the shipping network, it means there is no transit. In this case, the system needs to validate the receipt/deliver transactions automatically so it needs a default Subinventory for the item.
To fix the issue, you can either set the missing transfer Subinventory on the stuck error transaction and resubmit it, or set a transaction default to fix future transactions.
1) Navigation: Inventory > Setup > Transactions > Item Transaction Defaults.
Select the destination organization.
2) Enter the item, select 'Receiving' in the "Default For" dropdown, and enter the default Subinventory.
3) If needed default the Locator for the Subinventory in the Locators tab.
Reprocess the records.
4) Resubmit the transaction in Transaction Interface form and
Run Interface Trip Stop – SRS to process the ISO.
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