Pending Receiving Transactions
Pending Receiving Transactions are transactions that have not processed through the RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table. These transactions can be viewed and deleted through the "Transaction Status Summary" form:
Purchasing > Receiving > Transactions Status Summary

A Find window will appear and to query all of the unprocessed transactions for that period select from the field Source Type 'All', from the Transactions Details tab input the start and completion dates of the period in question and click 'Find':
Using the Transaction Statuses window, pending transactions can be viewed and deleted. There are four tabs to select: Transactions, Details, Order Information and Outside Services.
The Main Descriptive fields give detailed information on the type of transaction that the cursor is on:
Receipt, Receipt number
Supplier, Source of the receipt
Description, Item description
Errors, Error message
Order, Order Number
Parent Type, Parent transaction type
Routing, Receiving routing name
Fields common to all Tabs:
Quantity, Transaction quantity
UOM, Primary unit of measure of the item
Fields in Details Tab:
Transaction Date, Date of transaction
Reason, Standard transaction reason identifier
Comments, Comments
Packing Slip, Packing slip number
Fields in Order Information Tab:
Order Type, Purchase order types
Order Num, Purchase order number
Rel, Purchase order release number
Line, Purchase order line number
Shipment, Purchase order shipment number
Supplier, Vendor
Customer, Customer
Qty Ordered, Ordered quantity
UOM, Ordered UOM
Due Date, Expected due date
Fields in Outside Services Tab:
Job/Schedule, WIP Job or Schedule name
Line, WIP line identifier
Operation Sequence, WIP operation sequence number within a routing
Department, WIP department name
Resolving Pending Receiving Transactions
In resolving Pending Receiving Transactions the status and quantity received of the actual purchase order of the receiving transaction should be reviewed. If after reviewing the Purchase Order if the status is closed or complete and the purchase order quantity is equal to the quantity received then most likely the Pending Receiving transaction is a duplicate. Duplicate transactions can be deleted through the "Transaction Status Summary" screen by clicking on the transaction line and then clicking on the delete icon.
For additional information review 'How To Remove Pending and Error Receiving Transactions from Transaction Status Summary (Doc ID 303544.1)'
If after reviewing the Purchase Order of the Pending Receiving Transactions it is determined that the transaction should be processed it is recommended that a new receipt is created and processed. The original Pending Receiving Transaction should be deleted through the "Transaction Status Summary" screen.
Receiving transactions are process through the RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table by submitting the "Receiving Transactions Processor"
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Ref -: Oracle Doc (Doc ID 1069492.1)