Uncosted Material/WSM Transactions
To resolve uncosted Material Transactions/WSM you need to determine and fix what is preventing a record from being processed through the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS table. Details of uncosted transactions can be viewed through the Applications by navigating to the Material Transactions form.
Cost > View Transactions > Material Transactions
In the find Parameter Window, the 'Transaction Dates' fields should be populated with the date range of the Period that is being closed and the 'Costed' field from the list of values should be populated with 'Error' or 'No'.
Logical Transaction- A Logical transaction is an accounting event that represents the financial transaction without the physical movement of goods. The Include Logical Transactions box should be checked if Logical Transactions have occurred in the Period.
Notes: By using the Material Transaction window, you can view and resubmit erred costed transactions.
Item Description, Inventory item description
Primary UOM, Transaction quantity in terms of the primary UOM of the item
Secondary UOM, The secondary unit of measure. If the item is under the dual unit of measure control, the secondary unit of measure and the secondary quantity populate automatically.
Primary Qty, Transaction quantity in terms of primary UOM of the item
Secondary Quantity, Quantity of this transaction in terms of the Secondary UOM
Date, Transaction date
Distributions button (to view distributions of costed transactions)
Lot/Serial button (Used the if the transaction is associated with a Lot or Serial number)
Fields common to all Tabs:
Item, Inventory item reference by the line item
Transaction UOM, Unit of measure used in the transaction
Transaction Quantity, Quantity of this transaction
Transaction ID, Displays the item, transfer transaction ID
Transaction Date, Date the transaction was entered for processing
Source Type, Source type of the transaction, such as WIP Job or Schedule
Source, Source of the transaction, such as account number
Transaction Type, Displays the transaction type
Fields in the Location Tab are as follows:
Subinventory, Subinventory referenced by the line items
Locator, Locator referenced by the line item
Location, If the transaction type is move order issue or issue to project, you can enter the ship to the organization.
Revision, Revision of the inventory item referenced by the line item
Transfer Subinventory, Destination subinventory
Transfer Locator, Destination Locator
Transfer Org, The Destination Organization
Owning Party, The third-party owner of the inventory.
Planning Party, The vendor that manages the inventory.
Supplier, Supplier
Primary Quantity, Transaction quantity in terms of primary uom of the item
Primary UOM, Transaction quantity in terms of the primary uom of the item
Secondary Quantity, Quantity of this transaction in terms of the Secondary UOM
Secondary UOM, Secondary unit of measure if the item is under dual of the unit of measure control.
Fields in the Intransit Tab are as follows:
Shipment Number, Shipment number for the line item
Waybill/Airbill, The waybill or airbill number for the transfer
Freight Code, Freight carrier for the transaction
Containers, Number of containers in which the material is stored for the transfer
Fields in the Reason, Reference Tab are as follows:
Reason, The transaction reason
Reference, Reference text describing the transaction
Costed, Indicates the costing status
Transferred to Projects, Indicates the transfer to cost status
Error Code, Code describing the error on the last attempt to process the line items
Error Explanation, Full explanation of the error that occurred when attempting to process the line item
Supplier Lot, Supplier lot number.
Source Code, Source of the transaction, such as account number.
Source Line ID, Line level transaction source id
Fields in the Transaction ID Tab are as follows:
Transfer Transaction ID, Transaction id of the opposing transfer transaction
Parent Transaction ID, Parent Transaction Identifier
Logical Transactions Created, Identifies records created by Create Deferred Logical Transactions concurrent request
Logical Transaction, A Logical transaction is an accounting event that represents the financial transaction between two operating units without the physical movement of goods.
Operating Unit, The legal entity
Organization, Organization the transaction occurred in
Transaction Header, Number used to group transactions in the concurrent manager
Receiving Transaction ID, Receiving transaction cross reference
Move Transaction ID, Move transaction cross reference
Completion Transaction ID, Completion transaction cross reference
Department Code, Oracle Work in Process department code for the line item
Operation Sequence, Operation sequence number within a routing
Source Project Number, the source project number
Source Task Number, the source task number
Project Number, the project number
Task Number, the task number
To Project Number, the to project number
To Task Number, the to task number
Expenditure Type, the expenditure type
Expenditure Org., the expenditure organization
Error Code, the code describing the error on the last attempt to process the line item
Error Explanation, a full explanation of the error that occurred when attempting to process the line item
Fields in the Transaction Type tab are as follows:
Transaction Action, the transaction action
The field in the Consumption Advice tab are as follows:
Revision, Revision of the inventory item referenced by the line item
From Owning Party, Transfer owning organization identifier
Creation Status, Consumption Status
Error Explanation, Error explanation
Resubmitting Uncosted Transactions:
In the Material Transactions Form transactions that are costed in error can be resubmitted by clicking on "Tools, Select All" and then clicking on "Tools, Submit all" or Submit the number of transactions found through the search criteria in the Find window.
"Material cost transaction worker" for a standard costing environment or the "Actual Cost Worker" for an average, FIFO, LIFO or perpetual costing environment.
Changing the de-bug profile options; 'MRP: Debug Mode' set to "Yes"
CST: Cost update debug level set to "Full" will provide more information in the log when set prior to the Cost Worker processing.
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Ref -: Oracle Doc (Doc ID 1069492.1)