To resolve Unprocessed Material transactions, you need to determine and fix what is preventing a record from being processed through the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table. Details of transactions can be viewed through the Applications by navigating to the Pending Transactions form.
Inventory > Transactions > Pending Transactions
By using the Pending Transactions window, you can view, edit, correct and resubmit unprocessed material transactions.
Information on the transactions:
Secondary UOM, The secondary unit of measure. If the item is under the dual unit of measure control, the secondary unit of measure and the secondary quantity populate automatically.
Qty, Quantity of this transaction in terms of the UOM.
Date, Transaction date
Item Description, Inventory item description
Error Explanation, detailed explanation of the error
Lot/Serial (Used if the transaction is associated with a Lot or Serial number)
Submit, When checked and saved the erred transaction line will be resubmitted. If the line is not in error it cannot be resubmitted using the Submit checkbox but will have to be resubmitted through a sqlplus script. All erred transactions can be selected to be resubmitted by clicking on 'Tools' resubmit all.
Fields Common to all Tabs:
Item, Inventory item referenced by the line item.
Transaction Qty, Quantity of this transaction.
Transaction UOM, Unit of measure used in the transaction.
Transaction Type, Displays the transaction type.
Fields in Error Tab region are as follows:
Secondary Quantity, Transaction quantity in the secondary unit of measure if the item is under dual of the unit of measure control.
Secondary UOM, Secondary unit of measure if the item is under dual of the unit of measure control.
Overcompletion Transactions, Overcompletion quantity .
Transaction Date, Date the transaction was entered for processing.
Transaction Header Id, Line item's header ID used to group transactions in the concurrent manager.
Transaction Temp Id, Transaction line identifier used to join to lot or serial table when under these controls.
Transaction Mode, Method used to process the line item, such as concurrent processing.
Process flag indicates whether the row has been processed by the concurrent manager. The process flag codes are:
1 = Pending
2 = Running
3 = Error
Transaction Status, Status of the transaction: Select Pending or Suggested. Pending indicates transactions that are ready to be allocated. Suggested indicates transactions that have been detailed and are ready to be transacted.
Error Code, Code describing the error on the last attempt to process the line item.
Error Explanation, Full explanation of the error that occurred when attempting to process the line item
Fields in the Location Tab region are as follows:
Revision, Revision of the inventory item referenced by the line item.
Org Code, Organization code of the organization referenced by the line item.
Subinventory, Subinventory referenced by the line item.
Locator, Locator referenced by the line item.
Transfer Subinv, Destination subinventory.
Transfer Org Code, Organization code of the destination organization.
Transfer Location, Destination location.
Owning Party, Owning Party identifier
Planning Org, Planning Party identifier
Supplier, supplier name
Cartonized LPN, Sequential LPN Id generated by cartonization - used by WMS only
Lot Number, Lot number
Lot Expiration Date, Lot expiration date
Serial Number, Serial Number
Fields in Source Tab region are as follows:
Transaction Action, The transaction action
Transaction Source Type, Source types of the transaction, such as WIP Job or Schedule
Source, Source of the transaction, such as account number or Job name
Distribution Account, Distribution account for the line item
Transaction Cost, Cost to process the transaction
Transaction Reference, Reference text describing the transaction
Reason Name, The transaction reason.
Fields in the Intransit Tab region are as follows:
Shipment Number, Shipment number for the line item
Transfer Cost, Cost to process the transfer
Transportation Cost, Cost to physically transfer the material, such as freight carrier charges
Transportation Account, General ledger distribution account that collects the costs associated with using the freight carrier for the transfer
Freight Code, Freight carrier for the transaction
Containers, Number of containers in which the material is stored for the transfer
Waybill Airbill, The waybill or airbill number for the transfer
Expected Arrival Date, Date you expect to receive the material at the destination organization
Fields in the Others Tab region are as follows:
Line Code, Request ID assigned by the concurrent manager to the line item
Employee Code, Employee who entered the transaction
Operation Seq Num, Number associated with the job or schedule referenced by the line item
Department Code, Oracle Work in Process department code for the line item
Transaction Source Line ID, Oracle Work in Process line description for the item
Transaction Source Delivery ID, Line item detail identifier of the demand source
Encumbrance Amount, Amount encumbered, reserved against funds when the purchase order or requisition was approved
New Average Cost, Recalculated average unit cost for the item
Cost Group ID, Cost group identifier
Value Change, Amount used to increment the current inventory value.
Percentage Change, Percentage used to update the item cost.
Location Code, Ship-to location
Source Project Number, The source project number
Source Task Number, The source task number
Project Number, The project number
Task Number, The task number
To Project Number, The to project number
To Task Number, The to task number
Expenditure Type, The expenditure type
Expenditure Org, The expenditure organization
Resubmitting Unprocessed Material Transactions:
In the Pending Transactions, window either check the transaction's Resubmit checkbox to resubmit one record or chose Resubmit All from the Tools Menu and selectively deselect individual transaction you do not want to resubmit, save your work. Transactions can also be resubmitted via the following SQL statement:
By using the Pending Transactions window, you can view, edit, correct and resubmit
Descriptive fields give detailed information-:
Primary UOM, Primary UOM of the item
The "Process transaction interface" is the manager that will launch the "Inventory transaction worker" to process the transactions in the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table. If the error message in the Pending Transactions window is not clear reviewing the log file of the "Inventory transactions Worker" may provide more information that could help in resolving the error.
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Ref -: Oracle Doc (Doc ID 1069492.1)