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Saturday, 13 June 2015

UNPROCESSED SHIPPING TRANSACTIONS(Resolving Period Close Pending Transaction R12 or Inventory Closing Steps in Oracle Apps R12)


To resolve unprocessed shipping transactions, you need to determine and fix the shipping transactions that are in a status of shipped, BUT not interface to Order Management or Inventory, in the WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS table. Details of the Shipping transactions in a status of shipped can be viewed through the application by navigating to the Transaction screen through Order Management and quarrying on the status 'Shipped' and the Date of a period:

Order Management > Shipping > Transactions

The Shipping Transactions window provides a consolidated workbench for three major shipping functions: planning, pick releasing, and ship confirming. It enables you to plan and manage trips, stops, deliveries, delivery lines, and LPNs. There are four tabs to select they type of information: Trips, Stops, Contents by Delivery, Contents by Line/Lpn.

Transactions that are in a in a status of 'Shipped' have been shipped confirmed but have not yet been interfaced to Oracle Inventory. These must be processed and resolved before the period is closed. The concurrent process "Order Management Interface" and the concurrent process "Inventory Interface" populate Inventory Interface and Order Management Interface and upon completing successfully the status of the line changes to "Invoice Eligible". These concurrent processes can be submitted through the applications by navigating to:

Order Management > Shipping > Interface > Run

Run the Order Management Interface-SRS first then the Inventory Interface-SRS. These concurrent processes can be submitted by Trip Stop. The Trip Stop of the pending shipping transaction can be found in the Shipping Transactions window under the Stops tab in the Trip column. Reviewing the log file will supply an error message if the concurrent process does not complete successfully.

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Ref -: Oracle Doc (Doc ID 1069492.1)


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