VIEWING PENDING TRANSACTIONS (Resolving Period Close Pending Transaction R12 or Inventory Closing Steps in Oracle Apps R12 )


You can view the number of pending transactions by navigating to the Inventory Accounting Periods form.

Navigate > Cost > Accounting Close Cycle > Inventory Accounting Periods

The Resolution Required displays the number of Unprocessed material, Uncosted material/WSM, Pending WIP Costing, Pending WSM interface and Pending LCM Interface transactions existing in this period. 

The Resolution Recommended zone displays the number of Pending Receiving, Pending Material and Pending Shop Floor Move transactions existing in this period. However, once the accounting period is closed, unresolved transactions in this zone cannot be processed because they have a transaction date for a closed period.

Resolution Required Transactions:

"Uncosted Material/WSM" indicates there are transactions in the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS table with unprocessed accounting entries. 

"Pending WIP Costing" transactions indicate there are unprocessed resource and overhead accounting transactions in the WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE table.
"Pending WSM interface" indicate there are pending transactions in the WSM_SPLIT_MERGE_TXN_INTERFACE table. 

"Pending LCM Interface" indicated there are pending transactions in the CST_LC_ADJ_INTERFACE table.

Resolution Recommended Transactions:

"Pending Receiving" transactions indicate there are unprocessed purchasing transactions in the RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table. These transactions include purchase order receipts and returns for inventory. These transactions are not included in your receiving value if they are not resolved prior to closing the period. 

"Pending Material" transactions indicate there are unprocessed material transactions in the MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table. 

"Pending Shop Floor Move" transactions indicate there are unprocessed shop floor move transactions in the WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE table.

Unprocessed Shipping Transactions:

The Unprocessed Shipping Transactions zone displays the number of Pending Transactions existing in this period. Transactions appearing in this zone must be resolved before the period can be closed, depending if the Resolution 'Required' or 'Recommended' is checked. 

"Unprocessed Material" indicate there are unprocessed material transactions in the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table .

"Pending Transactions" in the Unprocessed Shipping Transactions zone indicate there are transactions in the WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS table in a status of shipped.

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Ref -: Oracle Doc (Doc ID 1069492.1) © Coprights 2013,