How can be add month in calendar or defining new fiscal year in oracle apps R12

How can add a month in the calendar or defining new fiscal year in oracle apps R12 


How can add an Adjustment Period in Calendar 

Go to General Ledger ,Vision Operation (USA) < Setup 

Then Setup < Financials < Calendars < Accounting

Now Query (F11) "Accounting"  then press Ctrl + F11 

Now Go to File < New and add a new line Accordingly.

Fill all mandatory field as required.

Now Save 

Finally, Your's Month added in Calendar.

Note -:  Use the following Query to check the status of the Periods Details accordingly :

select a.period_name,
   (select period_name, period_num, 
           closing_status) gl_status
    from gl_period_statuses
    where application_id = 101
    and start_date >= '01-JAN-98
    and end_date < '01-JAN-99'
    and set_of_books_id = &&set_of_books_id) a,
   (select period_name, 
           closing_status) po_status
    from gl_period_statuses
    where application_id = 201
    and start_date >= '01-JAN-15'
    and end_date < '01-JAN-16'
    and set_of_books_id = &&set_of_books_id) b,
   (select period_name,
           closing_status) ap_status
    from gl_period_statuses
    where application_id = 200
    and start_date >= '01-JAN-15'
    and end_date < '01-JAN-16'
    and set_of_books_id = &&set_of_books_id) c
where a.period_name = b.period_name
and   a.period_name = c.period_name
order by a.period_num

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