How can make entry for "TNSNAMES.ORA" on the local host for Oracle Application (In Oracle Apps R12).

TNSNAMES.ORA entry to runs Oracle Application R12 at local Host 
TNS Entry steps to runs Oracle Application R12


Please follow the given steps -:

1- Go to  Host Desktop Screen 

2- Press Home key + R and Type 'drivers'

Then Press Enter.

3- Now Go to Folder etc < Hosts



In the Host File please make an entry for -

IP Address   |   Hostname   |  SID


Important -:  Default setup for Oracle Vision Instance to connect database and Application 

Host -  Host IP Address - (It will be different as per network accordingly)

Port -  Port Number       - 1521

SID -   Service Identification  -  EBSDB

Note - You can also Explorer the path directly. Follow the given below directory for the same.


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