Terminology Used in EBS Oracle Apps R12

What is Implementation, Upgradation, Migration, Reimplementation, Rollout, Support in terms of Oracle Apps R12 


Difference between Implementation, Upgradation, Migration, Reimplementation, Rollout, Support in terms of Oracle Apps R12 

Here are some of Important and frequently use Terminology in Oracle Apps EBS Listed below -:

  • Implementation
  • Upgradation
  • Migration
  • Reimplementation
  • Rollout
  • Support

1- Implementation - First-time implementation or fresh implementation of Oracle application on the server is called Oracle Implementation.

2- Upgradation - Upgrade Any lower version into its higher version is called Oracle Apps EBS Upgradation e.g 11i - R12(12.1.1) or R12 (12.1.1) to R12 (12.2.4).

3- Migration - Migrate some of the Selected data from one instance to another instance as per business requirement is called Migration of Data.

4- Reimplementation - Somehow fresh implementation is not working properly or 
it is not suitable for the business then again Application Implement (Reimplement) with the best-fitted design.

5- Rollout - Same Structure develops and design for another Operating Unit within the Busines Group is called Rollout. In this process, one operating unit works for other preceding operating units as a base.

6- Support - Support is the maintenance of Oracle Application after Implementation or GO LIVE of Oracle Apps.

Note -: Link for Oracle Application Implementation guide document.

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